| 招商项目 |2010-11-30
一、项目名称:盱眙龙虾加工项目二、项目内容该项目总投资1亿元,重点生产真空小包装超市龙虾产品,将盱眙龙虾推广到全国各地,将盱眙龙虾的食用时段延长至全年。真正将盱眙龙虾做成全国性的全天候的龙虾大产业。三、项目背景盱眙龙虾是盱眙人民多年来的不懈努力而创出的著名品牌。2006年盱眙龙虾荣获农业部颁发的“中国名牌农产品”称号。2007年,盱眙龙虾小包装已成功打入江苏零售业航母级企业苏果连锁超市,盱眙十三香龙虾现已红遍全球。通过连续八年举办中国龙虾节的影响和拉动,小龙虾形成了一个集捕捞、养殖、贸易、贩运、加工以及调料生产为一体的产业链,一年销售3万多吨,产值达5亿多元,全县从事龙虾产业服务人员近10万人。小龙虾还直接拉动盱眙旅游餐饮业,年游客量从2002年的8万人猛增到2008年的200万人次,实现旅游收入7.5亿元。盱眙还以龙虾为龙头带动农产品销售,每年龙虾节都带动了10多万吨稻米和面粉、5万多吨水产品及大量畜禽销往长三角地区。四、项目提出单位:盱眙县外经贸局26. Xuyi Lobster Processing Project1. Project name: Xuyi Lobster Processing Project 2. Project content:The total amount of investment is RMB100 million. The project will focus on producing vacuum packed supermarket lobster, promoting Xuyi Lobster thoughout the country and extending eating season to whole year.It will make Xuyi lobster a national and all-weather industry. 3. Project background:Xuyi Lobster is a well-known brand created by Xuyi people through the tireless efforts over the years.Xuyi Lobster was awarded the title of "Chinese famous agricultural product brand" by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2006.In 2007,the Lobster with small package successfully entered into Suguo supermarket,a carrier-class retail enterprise in Jiangsu province. Xuyi lobster of 13 spices has been popular all over the world.Throngh the impacting and pulling effect of holding Chinese Lobster Festival in eight consecutive years, small lobsters have formed its industrial chain, with fishing, culture, trade, transportation,processing and sauce manufacturing industry as a whole. The annual sales exceeds 30 thousand tons,and annual output value is more than RMB500 million. Nearly 10 thousand people engage in the lobster industry in the county., which derectly simulates tourism and catering industy.In 2008 the number of tourists soared 2 million from 80,000 in 2002,realizing an income of RMB750 million.Xuyi has made Lobster a leading industry to drive the sale of agricultural products. During the period of yearly Lobster Festival,more than 100,000 tons of rice and flour and more than 50,000 tons of aquatic products and a large number of livestock and poulty are sold in Yangza River Delta every year.4. Project presenter: Xuyi Bureau of Foreign Tade and Economic Coreperation